Sabitzer Em

Austria clinches top spot in UEFA EURO 2024

Thrilling finish in Berlin

Austria emerged victorious in a nail-biting 3-2 contest against the Netherlands at the UEFA EURO 2024. The match, held in Berlin, saw both teams trade goals throughout the match. Marcel Sabitzer's sensational strike proved to be the game-winner, securing Austria's place at the top of Group D. The victory also marked Austria's first win over the Netherlands in a competitive match.

Player of the Match

Marcel Sabitzer was named UEFA's Player of the Match for his outstanding performance. The Austrian midfielder scored a stunning goal and played a key role in orchestrating the team's attack. Sabitzer's contributions were crucial in Austria's triumph, and he has been one of the standout players in the tournament so far.

Austria's victory is a significant achievement, as they have now qualified for the knockout stage of EURO 2024. The team's resilience and determination have been evident throughout the tournament, and they will be hoping to continue their success in the upcoming matches.

Sabitzer Bayern

Marcel Sabitzer Joins Bayern Munich

Austrian Midfielder Bolsters Bundesliga Champions

Bayern Munich has signed Austrian midfielder Marcel Sabitzer from RB Leipzig.

The 27-year-old joins the reigning Bundesliga champions on a four-year contract, bolstering their squad for the upcoming season. Sabitzer, who has 60 caps for Austria, is a versatile midfielder who can play in a variety of positions, including central midfield, attacking midfield, and on the wing.

Sabitzer is a highly experienced player who has won two Bundesliga titles and one Austrian Cup with RB Leipzig. He has also played in the UEFA Champions League and the UEFA Europa League.

"Marcel is a great addition to our squad," said Bayern Munich sporting director Hasan Salihamidzic. "He is a versatile player who can play in a number of positions. He is also a proven winner, which is important for us."

Sabitzer is expected to make his Bayern Munich debut in the Bundesliga match against Borussia Mönchengladbach on August 21.

Russische Angriffe Auf Kiew Und Lwiw

Krieg in der Ukraine: Russland verfehlt Ziele im Norden

Russische Angriffe auf Kiew und Lwiw

Trotz des anhaltenden Angriffskriegs gegen die Ukraine hat Russland nach Einschätzung des ukrainischen Journalisten Denis im Norden des Landes seine Ziele nicht erreicht. Seit Februar 2022 führt Russland einen brutalen Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine, der weiterhin andauert.

Erneute Raketenangriffe

Am heutigen Tag hat das russische Militär erneut Raketen auf Kiew und weitere Städte abgefeuert. Es gibt Berichte über Explosionen und Schäden an Infrastruktur. Die ukrainische Regierung hat die Angriffe verurteilt und fordert erneut internationale Unterstützung.

Der Krieg in der Ukraine hat weitreichende Folgen für die Region und darüber hinaus. Die Kämpfe haben zu unzähligen Todesopfern und Vertreibungen geführt und die internationale Ordnung erschüttert. Die Zukunft der Ukraine und die Sicherheit Europas hängen vom weiteren Verlauf des Konflikts ab.

Fazit: Der anhaltende Krieg in der Ukraine ist eine Tragödie für das ukrainische Volk und eine ernsthafte Bedrohung für die globale Sicherheit. Die anhaltenden Angriffe Russlands auf Kiew und andere Städte unterstreichen die Notwendigkeit einer vereinten internationalen Antwort, um den Aggressor aufzuhalten und die Souveränität der Ukraine zu schützen.

Rugby Europe Championship Match Preview Georgia Vs Portugal

Rugby Europe Championship Match Preview: Georgia vs Portugal

19th March 2023

Georgia and Portugal will lock horns in the Rugby Europe Championship on Sunday, 19th March 2023. The two teams have been in fine form in recent months, and the match is expected to be a close and exciting encounter.


Georgia are the reigning Rugby Europe champions, and they will be looking to retain their title this year. The Lelos have a strong team, led by captain Merab Sharikadze. They will be confident of beating Portugal and getting their title defense off to a winning start.


Portugal are ranked 20th in the world, and they are one of the rising stars of European rugby. Os Lobos have a young and talented team, and they will be looking to make a statement against Georgia.

Head-to-Head Record

Georgia and Portugal have never met before in the Rugby Europe Championship. However, the two teams did meet in a friendly match in 2021, which Georgia won 23-17.


Georgia are the favorites to win this match, but Portugal will be no pushovers. The Lelos have a more experienced team, but Os Lobos are a rising star. This is a match that could go either way, but Georgia should ultimately prevail.

Rsv What You Need To Know

RSV: What You Need to Know

What is RSV?

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common virus that infects the lungs and respiratory tract. It's so common that most children have been infected with RSV by the age of 2. RSV can cause a variety of symptoms, including:

  • Runny nose
  • Cough
  • Fever
  • Wheezing
  • Difficulty breathing

    RSV can be serious, especially for infants and young children.

    In severe cases, RSV can lead to hospitalization and even death. Fortunately, there are a number of things you can do to protect yourself and your child from RSV, including:

  • Washing your hands frequently
  • Covering your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze
  • Staying away from sick people
  • Getting a flu shot
  • Giving your child a RSV vaccine

  • Football Manager 2025 Release Date New Features And Updates

    Football Manager 2025: Release Date, New Features, and Updates

    When is the FM25 release date?

    The Football Manager 25 release date should be sometime in November 2024.

    FM25 Introduces Fully Licensed Premier League Teams for the First Time

    For the first time in Football Manager history, FM25 will feature fully licensed Premier League teams, kits, and logos.

    I don't think FM25 will be good on its release date

    It's a really big change, not only the new engine but in the business, FM25 will be a game as a service.

    Get the latest on Football Manager 2025 release date, new features, and updates

    Explore what FM25 has in store before its November launch.

    The developers are aiming for the first major FM25 reveal in Q2 of 2024

    The Unity engine will bring a new graphics engine and a fresh user interface.

    Football Manager 2025 Everything We Know So Far

    Football Manager 2025: Everything We Know So Far

    Latest News and Updates

    Get ready for the most exciting installment in the Football Manager franchise yet! Football Manager 2025 is set to launch in November, and the developers have been dropping hints about what we can expect. Here's a roundup of the latest news and updates on FM25.

    Major Reveal Coming Soon

    The developers of FM25 are aiming for a major reveal of the game in the second quarter of 2024. This is when we can expect to see the first official screenshots, gameplay footage, and more details about the new features.

    New Graphics Engine and User Interface

    One of the biggest changes coming to FM25 is the switch to the Unity engine. This will bring a brand-new graphics engine, as well as a fresh user interface. Fans can expect more realistic graphics, smoother animations, and an overall more immersive experience.

    Advanced Match Engine

    The match engine in FM25 is also getting a major upgrade. The developers have promised more realistic player movements, improved AI, and a more dynamic matchday experience. This should make for more exciting and challenging matches.

    Fully Licensed Premier League Teams

    For the first time in Football Manager history, FM25 will feature fully licensed Premier League teams. This means that all 20 Premier League clubs will be included in the game, with official kits, logos, and player names.

    Community Feedback

    The developers of FM25 have been listening to feedback from the community, and they have implemented a number of requested features in the game. These include improved player development, more realistic transfer negotiations, and a more comprehensive scouting system.